Welcome to the MouseNet server

  • MouseNet v. 1

    MouseNet v. 1 is a probabilistic functional gene network of M. musculus genes, constructed from ~20 million expermental observations from DNA microarrays, physical protein interactions, genetic interactions, literature, and comparative genomics methods. In total, MouseNet covers > ~20 million associations among ~95% of the total mouse genes, with all associations indicating that the linked gene pairs are likely to function together.

    MouseNet was constructed using a probabilistic integration of diverse data types, with each data type weighted according to how well it links genes that are known to share Gene Ontology functions. Each interaction in MouseNet has an associated confidence score that measures the probability of an interaction representing a true functional linkage between two genes.

    MouseNet v. 1 reference:
    Wan Kyu Kim*, Chase Krumpelman*, and Edward M. Marcotte. Inferring mouse gene functions from genomic-scale data using a combined functional network/classification strategy (Genome Biology, under review).
    *Equal contributions

MouseNet Search (slim version)

This web-interface reports all connected MouseNet neighbors to your query genes in a high-confidence MouseNet for Biological Process (score>0.5, ~1.7 million linkage, ~15500 genes (~72% of the total mouse genes)). The network files can be download below. In the original paper, the prediction was performed using the full network ( >~20 million linkage)
Coherence of query genes is measured by area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) spaning from 0.5 (for no-coherence) to 1 (for maximum-coherence). High AUC (e.g., > 0.65) is considered as predictive. If you see high AUC for genes from your initial screen, their top neighbors would be good candidates for your follow-up screen.

Total Mouse Genes 21603
Full MouseNet >23 million linkage, ~95% of the total gene
Slim MouseNet >1.7 million linkage, ~72% of the total gene

Download the network interactions:

Biological Process Network(~1.7 million linkage, Score>0.5)

Molecular Function Network (~1.7 million linkage, Score>0.5)

Cellular Component Network (~1.7 million linkage, Score>0.5)



Questions/Comments: marcotte AT icmb.utexas.edu or wkimwkim AT gmail.com